Definition of the Element Multiply Component.
- class openconcept.utilities.math.multiply_divide_comp.ElementMultiplyDivideComp(output_name=None, input_names=None, vec_size=1, length=1, val=1.0, scaling_factor=1, divide=None, input_units=None, **kwargs)
Compute a vectorized element-wise multiplication and/or division.
Use the add_equation method to define any number of mult/div relations User defines the names of the input and output variables using add_equation(output_name=’my_output’, input_names=[‘a’,’b’, ‘c’, …], divide=[False,False,True,…])
\[result = (a * b / c ....) * \textrm{scaling factor}\]- where:
all inputs shape (vec_size, n)
b is of shape (vec_size, n)
c is of shape (vec_size, n)
Result is of shape (vec_size, n)
All input vectors must be of the same shape, specified by the options ‘vec_size’ and ‘length’. Alternatively, a list of ‘vec_size’ can be provided where the entries are all either the same number, or 1. This allows a vector quantity to be multiplied / divided by scalar(s). Use scaling factor -1 for subtraction.
- _add_systems
List of equation systems to be initialized with the system.
- Type:
- __init__(output_name=None, input_names=None, vec_size=1, length=1, val=1.0, scaling_factor=1, divide=None, input_units=None, **kwargs)
Allow user to create an multiplication system with one-liner.
- Parameters:
output_name (str) – (required) name of the result variable in this component’s namespace.
input_names (iterable of str) – (required) names of the input variables for this system
vec_size (int) – Length of the first dimension of the input and output vectors (i.e number of rows, or vector length for a 1D vector) Default is 1 Alternatively, if a list, must be all same number, or 1. e.g. [1, 9, 9, 9]. Must be same length as # of inputs
length (int) – Length of the second dimension of the input and ouptut vectors (i.e. number of columns) Default is 1 which results in input/output vectors of size (vec_size,)
scaling_factor (numeric) – Scaling factor to apply to the whole system Default is 1
divide (iterable of bool or None) – True to use division operator, False to use mult operator Default is None which results in mult of every input Length is same as number of inputs
val (float or list or tuple or ndarray) – The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
input_units (iterable of str) – Units for each of the input vectors in order. Output units will be dimensionally consistent.
kwargs (str) – Any other arguments to pass to the addition system (same as add_output method for ExplicitComponent) Examples include units (str or None), desc (str)
- add_equation(output_name, input_names, vec_size=1, length=1, val=1.0, res_units=None, desc='', lower=None, upper=None, ref=1.0, ref0=0.0, res_ref=None, scaling_factor=1, divide=None, input_units=None, tags=None)
Add a multiplication relation.
- Parameters:
output_name (str) – (required) name of the result variable in this component’s namespace.
input_names (iterable of str) – (required) names of the input variables for this system
vec_size (int) – Length of the first dimension of the input and output vectors (i.e number of rows, or vector length for a 1D vector) Default is 1 Alternatively, if a list, must be all same number, or 1. e.g. [1, 9, 9, 9]. Must be same length as # of inputs
length (int) – Length of the second dimension of the input and ouptut vectors (i.e. number of columns) Default is 1 which results in input/output vectors of size (vec_size,)
scaling_factor (numeric) – Scaling factor to apply to the whole system Default is 1
divide (iterable of bool or None) – True to use division operator, False to use mult operator Default is None which results in mult of every input Length is same as number of inputs
val (float or list or tuple or ndarray) – The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
input_units (iterable of str) – Units for each of the input vectors in order. Output units will be dimensionally consistent.
res_units (str or None) – Units in which the residuals of this output will be given to the user when requested. Default is None, which means it has no units.
desc (str) – description of the variable.
lower (float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable or None) – lower bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no lower bound. Default is None.
upper (float or list or tuple or ndarray or or Iterable None) – upper bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no upper bound. Default is None.
ref (float or ndarray) – Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
ref0 (float or ndarray) – Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when the scaled value is 0. Default is 0.
res_ref (float or ndarray) – Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined res_units of this output’s residual when the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
tags (list of str) – Tags to apply to the output variable
- add_output()
Use add_equation instead of add_output to define equation systems.
- setup()
Set up the addition/subtraction system at run time.
- compute(inputs, outputs)
Compute the element wise multiplication or division of inputs using numpy.
- Parameters:
inputs (Vector) – unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key]
outputs (Vector) – unscaled, dimensional output variables read via outputs[key]