Minimal Example

This example shows how to set up an OpenConcept aircraft and mission analysis model. The goal here is to use only what is absolutely necessary with the idea of introducing the starting point for building more complicated and detailed models. It uses a simplified aircraft model and basic mission profile with climb, cruise, and descent phases.

OpenConcept leans heavily on OpenMDAO for the numerical framework, in particular ExplicitComponent, ImplicitComponent, Group, Problem, the OpenMDAO solvers, and the optimizer interfaces. If you are not already familiar with OpenMDAO, we strongly recommend going through their basic user guide.


The script described in this tutorial is called and can be found in the examples folder.


import openmdao.api as om
from openconcept.mission import BasicMission
import numpy as np

We start by importing the necessary modules. In this example, we need OpenMDAO to use its classes and solvers. From OpenConcept, we use the BasicMission mission analysis component. Lastly, we use NumPy to initialize vectors and matplotlib to make figures at the end.

Aircraft model

At it’s most basic, an OpenConcept aircraft model takes in a lift coefficient and throttle position (from 0 to 1) and returns thrust, weight, and drag. In the code, these variables are named "fltcond|CL", "throttle", "thrust", "weight", and "drag", respectively. You can add as much or as little detail in this computation of the outputs as you’d like, but all the model cares is that the outputs can be controlled by the inputs. OpenConcept provides component models to build these aircraft systems.

The complexity can grow rapidly, so for now we will not use any of these OpenConcept models; instead we develop a minimal aircraft model. We assume constant weight across the whole mission. Thrust is modeled as maximum thrust times the throttle. Drag is computed as lift divided by lift-to-drag ratio.

Let’s first take a look at the code for the whole aircraft model, and then we’ll explain each part. The whole model looks like this:

class Aircraft(om.ExplicitComponent):
    An overly simplified aircraft model. This one is defined as an explicit component to use simple equations
    to compute weight, drag, and thrust. In practice, it would be an OpenMDAO group that integrates models for
    propulsion, aerodynamics, weights, etc.

    # rst Options
    def initialize(self):
        self.options.declare("num_nodes", default=1, desc="Number of analysis points per phase")
        self.options.declare("flight_phase", default=None)  # required by OpenConcept but unused in this example

    # rst Setup
    def setup(self):
        nn = self.options["num_nodes"]

        # ======== Inputs passed from the mission analysis ========
        # These are required by OpenConcept
        self.add_input("fltcond|CL", shape=nn)  # lift coefficient
        self.add_input("throttle", shape=nn)  # throttle from 0 to 1

        # These are additional inputs used by the model
        self.add_input("fltcond|q", shape=nn, units="Pa")  # dynamic pressure
        self.add_input("ac|geom|wing|S_ref", shape=1, units="m**2")  # wing planform area
        self.add_input("ac|weights|TOW", shape=1, units="kg")  # constant weight value
        self.add_input("ac|propulsion|max_thrust", shape=1, units="N")
        self.add_input("ac|aero|L_over_D", shape=1)

        # ======== Outputs sent back to the mission analysis ========
        self.add_output("weight", shape=nn, units="kg")
        self.add_output("drag", shape=nn, units="N")
        self.add_output("thrust", shape=nn, units="N")

        # ======== Use complex step for this simple example ========
        self.declare_partials(["*"], ["*"], method="cs")

    # rst Compute
    def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
        outputs["weight"] = inputs["ac|weights|TOW"]
        outputs["thrust"] = inputs["throttle"] * inputs["ac|propulsion|max_thrust"]
        outputs["drag"] = (
            inputs["fltcond|q"] * inputs["fltcond|CL"] * inputs["ac|geom|wing|S_ref"] / inputs["ac|aero|L_over_D"]


def initialize(self):
    self.options.declare("num_nodes", default=1, desc="Number of analysis points per phase")
    self.options.declare("flight_phase", default=None)  # required by OpenConcept but unused in this example

We start by defining the options for the model. These two options are required for all OpenConcept aircraft models:

  • "num_nodes": OpenConcept numerically integrates states w.r.t. time in each mission phase. This option will tell the aircraft model how many numerical integration points are used in the phase. All the required inputs and outputs listed above are vectors of length "num_nodes".

  • "flight_phase": The mission analysis group sets this option to a string that is the name of the current flight phase. For example in the basic three-phase mission, this will be set either to "climb", "cruise", or "descent". This option can be used by the aircraft model to set phase-specific values. For example, in takeoff segments the user may want to set different aerodynamic parameters that correspond to a flaps-extended configuration.


def setup(self):
    nn = self.options["num_nodes"]

    # ======== Inputs passed from the mission analysis ========
    # These are required by OpenConcept
    self.add_input("fltcond|CL", shape=nn)  # lift coefficient
    self.add_input("throttle", shape=nn)  # throttle from 0 to 1

    # These are additional inputs used by the model
    self.add_input("fltcond|q", shape=nn, units="Pa")  # dynamic pressure
    self.add_input("ac|geom|wing|S_ref", shape=1, units="m**2")  # wing planform area
    self.add_input("ac|weights|TOW", shape=1, units="kg")  # constant weight value
    self.add_input("ac|propulsion|max_thrust", shape=1, units="N")
    self.add_input("ac|aero|L_over_D", shape=1)

    # ======== Outputs sent back to the mission analysis ========
    self.add_output("weight", shape=nn, units="kg")
    self.add_output("drag", shape=nn, units="N")
    self.add_output("thrust", shape=nn, units="N")

    # ======== Use complex step for this simple example ========
    self.declare_partials(["*"], ["*"], method="cs")

Next, we add the inputs and outputs to the aircraft model. We start with the lift coefficient and throttle—the inputs required by OpenConcept. Note that the shape of these inputs is defined as the number of nodes. In other words, these inputs are vectors of length "num_nodes".

There are other parameters that the mission analysis will automatically connect to the aircraft model if they’re defined as inputs. A set of flight condition variables and other aircraft parameters defined by the user at the top level analysis group.

The available flight condition variables are the following:

Flight condition variables for steady flight phases

Variable name


Vector length


Lift coefficient



Dynamic pressure









Temperature (includes increment)



Speed of sound



Increment on the 1976 Standard Atmosphere temperature



Mach number



True airspeed



Equivalent airspeed



Ground speed



Vertical speed






Initial altitude in phase



Final altitude in phase



Cosine of the flight path angle



Sine of the flight path angle


The aircraft parameters that the mission analysis passes through to the aircraft model are those set by the user in the top-level group (called "MissionAnalysis" in our case). It will pass any variable whose name starts with "ac|". Here, we define four aircraft parameters that are used by the aircraft model: "ac|geom|wing|S_ref" (wing area), "ac||weights|TOW" (aircraft weight), "ac|propulsion|max_thrust", and "ac|aero|L_over_D" (lift-to-drag ratio). We will see in the mission tutorial section how they are defined at the top level.

Next, we add the outputs needed by OpenConcept to converge the mission: "weight", "drag", and "thrust".

Finally, we declare the derivatives of the outputs w.r.t. the inputs. In this case, we have OpenMDAO compute all the partial derivatives using complex step. In practice, analytically defining the partial derivatives offers more accurate and faster derivative computations.


def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
    outputs["weight"] = inputs["ac|weights|TOW"]
    outputs["thrust"] = inputs["throttle"] * inputs["ac|propulsion|max_thrust"]
    outputs["drag"] = (
        inputs["fltcond|q"] * inputs["fltcond|CL"] * inputs["ac|geom|wing|S_ref"] / inputs["ac|aero|L_over_D"]

In this section, we actually compute the output values using the inputs. The weight is simply equal to the defined weight. The thrust is equal to the throttle input times the max thrust input. The drag is equal to the lift divided by L/D, where lift is computed using the dynamic pressure, lift coefficient, and wing area.


class MissionAnalysis(om.Group):
    OpenMDAO group for basic three-phase climb, cruise, descent mission.
    The only top-level aircraft variable that the aircraft model uses is
    the wing area, so that must be defined.

    def initialize(self):
        self.options.declare("num_nodes", default=1, desc="Number of analysis points per phase")

    def setup(self):
        iv = self.add_subsystem("ac_vars", om.IndepVarComp(), promotes_outputs=["*"])
        iv.add_output("ac|geom|wing|S_ref", val=25.0, units="m**2")
        iv.add_output("ac|weights|TOW", val=5e3, units="kg")
        iv.add_output("ac|propulsion|max_thrust", val=1e4, units="N")
        iv.add_output("ac|aero|L_over_D", val=10.0)

        # Define the mission
            BasicMission(aircraft_model=Aircraft, num_nodes=self.options["num_nodes"]),

Now that we have an aircraft model, we need to define the mission it will fly. In OpenConcept, we do this by defining a top-level OpenMDAO group. This group usually contains two components:

  • An IndepVarComp or DictIndepVarComp with the aircraft parameters (the values are automatically passed to the aircraft model)

  • The OpenConcept mission analysis block

In this case we have only four aircraft parameters, so we define them in the script using an OpenMDAO IndepVarComp. Following tutorials will use a slightly different method to keep the parameters more organized. These outputs are promoted from the IndepVarComp to the level of the MissionAnalysis group (promote_outputs=["*"] promotes all outputs).

Next we add the mission analysis. In this tutorial, we use OpenConcept’s BasicMission, which consists of a climb, a cruise, and a descent flight phase. The aircraft model class is passed into the BasicMission, along with the number of nodes per phase. BasicMission will instantiate copies of the aircraft model class in each flight phase and promote all inputs from the aircraft model that begin with "ac|" to the BasicMission level. We promote all inputs that begin with "ac|*" from the BasicMission to the MissionAnalysis level. This way, OpenMDAO will automatically connect the outputs from the IndepVarComp to the aircraft parameter inputs of the aircraft models in each phase.

In this group, we declare an option to set the number of nodes per phase so that the user can initialize the value when the problem is set up.


"ac|geom|wing|S_ref" is a required top-level aircraft parameter that must be defined. OpenConcept uses it to compute lift coefficient from lift force. Which other aircraft parameters are required is dependent on which OpenConcept models the user chooses to include in the aircraft model.

Run script

Setup problem

Now that we have the necessary models. The last step before running the model is setting up the OpenMDAO problem and providing the necessary values to define the mission profile.

def setup_problem(model=MissionAnalysis):
    Define the OpenMDAO problem
    nn = 11
    prob = om.Problem()
    prob.model = model(num_nodes=nn)

    # Set up the solver
    prob.model.nonlinear_solver = om.NewtonSolver(iprint=2, solve_subsystems=True)
    prob.model.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()

    # Set up the problem

    # Define the mission profile by setting vertical speed and airspeed for each segment
    prob.set_val("mission.climb.fltcond|vs", np.full(nn, 500.0), units="ft/min")
    prob.set_val("|vs", np.full(nn, 0.0), units="ft/min")
    prob.set_val("mission.descent.fltcond|vs", np.full(nn, -500.0), units="ft/min")
    prob.set_val("mission.climb.fltcond|Ueas", np.full(nn, 150.0), units="kn")
    prob.set_val("|Ueas", np.full(nn, 200.0), units="kn")
    prob.set_val("mission.descent.fltcond|Ueas", np.full(nn, 150.0), units="kn")

    # The mission also needs the cruise altitude and the range
    prob.set_val("|h0", 15e3, units="ft")
    prob.set_val("mission.mission_range", 400.0, units="nmi")

    return prob

We initialize an OpenMDAO Problem and add the MissionAnalysis class we defined as the problem’s model. Here is where we specify the number of nodes per flight phase, using 11. Next, we add a solver that is used to determine the throttle and lift coefficient values that satisfy the steady flight force balance across the mission. We use OpenMDAO’s Newton solver and assign a direct linear solver to solve each subiteration of the nonlinear solver.

Once the problem is setup, we set the necessary values to specify the mission profile. BasicMission has climb, cruise, and descent phases, but we still need to tell it the speed each is flown at, the cruise altitude, etc. This mission requires a vertical speed and airspeed in each phase. It also requires an initial cruise altitude and total mission length. For more details, see the mission analysis documentation.

Run it!

Finally, we actually run the analysis.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Process command line argument to optionally not show figures and N2 diagram
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help="Do not show matplotlib figure or open N2 diagram in browser",
    hide_viz = parser.parse_args().hide_visuals

    # Setup the problem and run the analysis
    prob = setup_problem()

    # Generate N2 diagram
    om.n2(prob, outfile="minimal_example_n2.html", show_browser=not hide_viz)

    # Create plot with results
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, constrained_layout=True)
    axs = axs.flatten()  # change 2x2 mtx of axes into 4-element vector

    # Define variables to plot
    plot_vars = [
        {"var": "fltcond|h", "name": "Altitude", "units": "ft"},
        {"var": "fltcond|vs", "name": "Vertical speed", "units": "ft/min"},
        {"var": "fltcond|Utrue", "name": "True airspeed", "units": "kn"},
        {"var": "throttle", "name": "Throttle", "units": None},

    for idx_fig, var in enumerate(plot_vars):
        axs[idx_fig].set_xlabel("Range (nmi)")
        axs[idx_fig].set_ylabel(f"{var['name']}" if var["units"] is None else f"{var['name']} ({var['units']})")

        # Loop through each flight phase and plot the current variable from each
        for phase in ["climb", "cruise", "descent"]:
                prob.get_val(f"mission.{phase}.range", units="nmi"),
                prob.get_val(f"mission.{phase}.{var['var']}", units=var["units"]),

    fig.savefig("minimal_example_results.svg", transparent=True)
    if not hide_viz:

After running the model, we do a bit of postprocessing to visualize the results. The first thing we do is create an N2 diagram. This allows you to explore the structure of the model and the values of each variable. Lastly, we get some values from the model and create plot of some values, using matplotlib.

The model should converge in a few iterations. The plot it generates should look like this:


The N2 diagram for the model is the following:


In this tutorial, we developed a simple run script to explain how to set up an OpenConcept mission analysis. The aircraft model is very simplified and does not use any of OpenConcept’s models. Nonetheless, it obeys all the input/output requirements of an OpenConcept aircraft and thus can be used in the mission analysis.

You may notice that the results of this analysis are not particularly useful. It does not offer any information about fuel burn, energy usage, component temperatures, or sizing requirements. In the next tutorial, we’ll develop a more comprehensive aircraft model that is more useful for conceptual design.

The final script looks like this:

This is a minimal example meant to show the absolute
simplest aircraft model and mission analysis you can
set up. This does not use OpenConcept's models for
the aircraft propulsion and aerodynamics, but it
does use the mission analysis methods.
# rst Imports (beg)
import openmdao.api as om
from openconcept.mission import BasicMission
import numpy as np

# rst Imports (end)

# rst Aircraft (beg)
class Aircraft(om.ExplicitComponent):
    An overly simplified aircraft model. This one is defined as an explicit component to use simple equations
    to compute weight, drag, and thrust. In practice, it would be an OpenMDAO group that integrates models for
    propulsion, aerodynamics, weights, etc.

    # rst Options
    def initialize(self):
        self.options.declare("num_nodes", default=1, desc="Number of analysis points per phase")
        self.options.declare("flight_phase", default=None)  # required by OpenConcept but unused in this example

    # rst Setup
    def setup(self):
        nn = self.options["num_nodes"]

        # ======== Inputs passed from the mission analysis ========
        # These are required by OpenConcept
        self.add_input("fltcond|CL", shape=nn)  # lift coefficient
        self.add_input("throttle", shape=nn)  # throttle from 0 to 1

        # These are additional inputs used by the model
        self.add_input("fltcond|q", shape=nn, units="Pa")  # dynamic pressure
        self.add_input("ac|geom|wing|S_ref", shape=1, units="m**2")  # wing planform area
        self.add_input("ac|weights|TOW", shape=1, units="kg")  # constant weight value
        self.add_input("ac|propulsion|max_thrust", shape=1, units="N")
        self.add_input("ac|aero|L_over_D", shape=1)

        # ======== Outputs sent back to the mission analysis ========
        self.add_output("weight", shape=nn, units="kg")
        self.add_output("drag", shape=nn, units="N")
        self.add_output("thrust", shape=nn, units="N")

        # ======== Use complex step for this simple example ========
        self.declare_partials(["*"], ["*"], method="cs")

    # rst Compute
    def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
        outputs["weight"] = inputs["ac|weights|TOW"]
        outputs["thrust"] = inputs["throttle"] * inputs["ac|propulsion|max_thrust"]
        outputs["drag"] = (
            inputs["fltcond|q"] * inputs["fltcond|CL"] * inputs["ac|geom|wing|S_ref"] / inputs["ac|aero|L_over_D"]
        # rst Aircraft (end)

# rst Mission (beg)
class MissionAnalysis(om.Group):
    OpenMDAO group for basic three-phase climb, cruise, descent mission.
    The only top-level aircraft variable that the aircraft model uses is
    the wing area, so that must be defined.

    def initialize(self):
        self.options.declare("num_nodes", default=1, desc="Number of analysis points per phase")

    def setup(self):
        iv = self.add_subsystem("ac_vars", om.IndepVarComp(), promotes_outputs=["*"])
        iv.add_output("ac|geom|wing|S_ref", val=25.0, units="m**2")
        iv.add_output("ac|weights|TOW", val=5e3, units="kg")
        iv.add_output("ac|propulsion|max_thrust", val=1e4, units="N")
        iv.add_output("ac|aero|L_over_D", val=10.0)

        # Define the mission
            BasicMission(aircraft_model=Aircraft, num_nodes=self.options["num_nodes"]),
        # rst Mission (end)

# rst Setup problem (beg)
def setup_problem(model=MissionAnalysis):
    Define the OpenMDAO problem
    nn = 11
    prob = om.Problem()
    prob.model = model(num_nodes=nn)

    # Set up the solver
    prob.model.nonlinear_solver = om.NewtonSolver(iprint=2, solve_subsystems=True)
    prob.model.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()

    # Set up the problem

    # Define the mission profile by setting vertical speed and airspeed for each segment
    prob.set_val("mission.climb.fltcond|vs", np.full(nn, 500.0), units="ft/min")
    prob.set_val("|vs", np.full(nn, 0.0), units="ft/min")
    prob.set_val("mission.descent.fltcond|vs", np.full(nn, -500.0), units="ft/min")
    prob.set_val("mission.climb.fltcond|Ueas", np.full(nn, 150.0), units="kn")
    prob.set_val("|Ueas", np.full(nn, 200.0), units="kn")
    prob.set_val("mission.descent.fltcond|Ueas", np.full(nn, 150.0), units="kn")

    # The mission also needs the cruise altitude and the range
    prob.set_val("|h0", 15e3, units="ft")
    prob.set_val("mission.mission_range", 400.0, units="nmi")

    return prob
    # rst Setup problem (end)

# rst Run (beg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Process command line argument to optionally not show figures and N2 diagram
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help="Do not show matplotlib figure or open N2 diagram in browser",
    hide_viz = parser.parse_args().hide_visuals

    # Setup the problem and run the analysis
    prob = setup_problem()

    # Generate N2 diagram
    om.n2(prob, outfile="minimal_example_n2.html", show_browser=not hide_viz)

    # Create plot with results
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, constrained_layout=True)
    axs = axs.flatten()  # change 2x2 mtx of axes into 4-element vector

    # Define variables to plot
    plot_vars = [
        {"var": "fltcond|h", "name": "Altitude", "units": "ft"},
        {"var": "fltcond|vs", "name": "Vertical speed", "units": "ft/min"},
        {"var": "fltcond|Utrue", "name": "True airspeed", "units": "kn"},
        {"var": "throttle", "name": "Throttle", "units": None},

    for idx_fig, var in enumerate(plot_vars):
        axs[idx_fig].set_xlabel("Range (nmi)")
        axs[idx_fig].set_ylabel(f"{var['name']}" if var["units"] is None else f"{var['name']} ({var['units']})")

        # Loop through each flight phase and plot the current variable from each
        for phase in ["climb", "cruise", "descent"]:
                prob.get_val(f"mission.{phase}.range", units="nmi"),
                prob.get_val(f"mission.{phase}.{var['var']}", units=var["units"]),

    fig.savefig("minimal_example_results.svg", transparent=True)
    if not hide_viz:
# rst Run (end)