- class openconcept.thermal.manifold.FlowSplit(**kwargs)
Split incoming flow from one inlet into two outlets at a fractional ratio.
- Inputs:
mdot_in (float) – Mass flow rate of incoming fluid (vector, kg/s)
mdot_split_fraction (float) – Fraction of incoming mass flow directed to output A, must be in range 0-1 inclusive (vector, dimensionless)
- Outputs:
mdot_out_A (float) – Mass flow rate directed to first output (vector, kg/s)
mdot_out_B (float) – Mass flow rate directed to second output (vector, kg/s)
- Options:
num_nodes (int) – Number of analysis points to run (sets vec length; default 1)
- class openconcept.thermal.manifold.FlowCombine(**kwargs)
Combines two incoming flows into a single outgoing flow and does a weighted average of their temperatures based on the mass flow rate of each to compute the outlet temp.
- Inputs:
mdot_in_A (float) – Mass flow rate of fluid from first inlet, should be nonegative (vector, kg/s)
mdot_in_B (float) – Mass flow rate of fluid from second inlet, should be nonnegative (vector, kg/s)
T_in_A (float) – Temperature of fluid from first inlet (vector, K)
T_in_B (float) – Temperature of fluid from second inlet (vector, K)
- Outputs:
mdot_out (float) – Outgoing fluid mass flow rate (vector, kg/s)
T_out (float) – Outgoing fluid temperature (vector, K)
- Options:
num_nodes (int) – Number of analysis points (scalar, default 1)